[Youngeun Art Studio 12th Residence Artists wanted AD]
Youngeun Art Studio Recruitment of 12th Residency
Dates: Wednesday, August 11, 2021 - Tuesday, August 24, 2021
<Recruitment and
number of participants>
<Required documents>
1. 1. One copy of the Studio
Residency Application (Downloadable from the Youngeun Museum of Contemporary
Art website's data room)
The application should be typed on a computer,
printed, and submitted
Original files should be saved on a USB drive
and submitted
2. 2. Submission
• Images (including captions) -
Printout of PowerPoint presentation with up to 10 works and USB
• Each work's images should be
limited to 1 page, with a total of approximately 10 pages.
• Video and new media works should
be submitted on a USB along with the printed images, with a runtime of 5
minutes or less.
Required Documents※
1. Printout of application form,
PowerPoint presentation of works (1 copy each)
2. USB (application form, original
PowerPoint presentation)
Address: Curatorial Department, Youngeun Museum of Contemporary Art, 300
Cheongseok-ro, Gwangju-si, Gyeonggi-do, South Korea
Method: Registered mail (In-person submissions are not accepted)
Date: August 11, 2021 (Wed) - August 24, 2021 (Tue) (Valid until postmark
Please label the
application documents for the call for resident artists for the creative studio
on the outer surface of the envelope.
and Announcement>
1. 1. Process- First round screening (document review) -> Second round screening (presentation and interview) -> Third round screening (final interview)
2. 2. Announcement
and Screening Schedule
round screening (document review): in September 2021
round screening (presentation and interview): in October 2021
round screening (final interview): in October 2021
The announcement
will be made individually and on the Youngeun Museum of Contemporary Art
3. Residency Period
- Long-term: scheduled
for March 2022 ~ February 2024
- Short-term: scheduled
for March 2022 ~ February 2024 (3-6 months)
For more details, please refer to the Youngeun Museum of Contemporary Art website.
Applicants for support must refer to the operating regulations for the creative
(Homepage -> Open Studio -> Operating Regulations)
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