[Youngeun Art Studio 11th Residence Artists wanted AD]
Youngeun Artist-In-Residence
Youngeun Creative Studio
11th Artists-In-Residence Recruitment
June 8th (Fri) - June 23th (Sat), 2018
A. Positions and Volume
1. Subject: All areas of visual arts including Flat Surface, Three-Dimensional Structure, Image, and Crafts
2. Volume: about 20 individuals (6 long-term, 14 short-term) (Team of 2 or more possible)
3. Period: 2 years (long-term) or 3 to 6 months (short-term)
4. Facility Support: 1 room of studio and 1 room of research building (Residence)
B. Submission Documents
Studio Tenant Application Form, Data of Artworks (Image)
∴ output(one copy of each Studio Tenant Application Form and Image(Image made with Power Point,
1 work per 1 page, within 10 pages) Each one),
USB(Studio Tenant Application Form and Original Image(Powerpoint))
1. 1 Studio Tenant Application Form (Youngeun Museum of Contemporary Art homepage (Korean) →
Community → Archives)
·Please fill out Applicaition Form on computer and print it to submit. File should be submitted in a USB.
2. Data of Artworks
·Image (captions included) - Powerpoint of within 10 works (a USB and 1 printed copy)
·Video and New Media - A video within 5 minutes in USB with 1 print of image
C. Application
1. Address: 12791 Curator Room, Youngeun Museum of Contemporary Art, 300, Cheongseok-ro,
Gwangju-si, Gyeonggi-do
2. Method: Registered post (No reception in visit)
3. Period: June 8th (Fri) - June 23th (Sat), 2018 <Valid until deadline postmark>
※ Please mark 在中 (contain) on the outside of envelop of Creative Studio Artists-In-Residence
Recruitment Application Form
D. Evaluation and Announcement
1. Process
: 1st Evaluation (document examination) → 2nd Evaluation (presentation and interview) →
3rd Evaluation (final interview)
2. Announcement
1st (document examination) : In June 2018 ~ In early July 2018
2nd (presentation and interview) : In July 2018
3rd (final interview) : In July 2018 (expected), Individual notification and annoucement on
Youngeun Museum of Contemporary Museum website (Korean)
3. Period of Residence
Long-term: September 2018 - August 2020 (expected)
Short-term: 3 to 6 months during September 2018 - August 2020
※ More details on Youngeun Museum of Contemporary Art website
Applicants must note Creative Studio operation regulations (Homepage (Korean) → Creative Studio → Operation Regulations)
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